Html CSS Bootstrap Interview Questions

Section 1 - HTML

Section 2 - CSS

S.No Question
1. What is Css?
2. What are the different ways to apply CSS styles to HTML elements?
3. What is the difference between class and ID selectors?
4. How do you center an element horizontally and vertically using CSS?
5. How do you create a HTML table with alternate row colors?
6. What is the box model in CSS?
7. What is the purpose of the z-index property?
8. What are the different types of CSS selectors?
9. What is the difference between padding and margin in CSS?
10. What is the CSS float property used for?
11. How do you create a responsive design using CSS?
12. What is the CSS specificity and how does it work?
13. What is the purpose of the CSS pseudo-elements?
14. How do you create CSS animations and transitions?
15. What is the CSS overflow property used for?
16. How do you create a fixed position element in CSS?
17. What is the purpose of the CSS media queries?
18. How do you hide an element using CSS?
19. What is the purpose of the CSS flexbox layout?
20. How do you apply CSS styles to only the first child or last child of an element?
21. What is the purpose of the CSS transform property?
22. What is the CSS display property used for?
23. How do you create a CSS sticky footer?
24. What is the purpose of the CSS :hover pseudo-class?
25. How do you create a CSS dropdown menu?
26. What is the difference between the display: block and display: inline-block in CSS?
27. What is the purpose of the CSS @media rule?
28. How do you create a CSS slideshow?
29. What is the difference between the visibility: hidden and display: none in CSS?
30. Describe the CSS box model and how CSS properties related to it affect layout.
31. Compare CSS Flexbox and Grid. When would you use one over the other ?
32. How would you implement a dark mode feature in a web application ?
Section 3 - Bootstrap

S.No Question
1. What is Bootstrap?
2. What are the key benefits of using Bootstrap?
3. Explain the Bootstrap grid system.
4. What are the different grid classes in Bootstrap?
5. How do you create a responsive image in Bootstrap?
6. What is a Bootstrap card?
7. How do you create a dropdown menu in Bootstrap?
8. What are the types of inputs Bootstrap supports?
9. Explain the purpose of Bootstrap buttons.
10. How do you create a responsive table in Bootstrap?
11. What are Bootstrap forms?
12. What is a Bootstrap alert?
13. Explain Bootstrap color classes.
14. What is a Bootstrap modal?
15. How can you customize the Bootstrap template?
16. Explain the difference between container and container-fluid in Bootstrap.
17. What is the purpose of the Bootstrap navbar component?
18. How can you create a responsive image gallery in Bootstrap?
19. What is the purpose of the Bootstrap jumbotron component?
20. How do you create a Bootstrap badge?
21. What is the purpose of the Bootstrap breadcrumb component?
22. Explain the use of the Bootstrap carousel component.
23. How do you create a responsive navigation menu in Bootstrap?
24. What is the purpose of the Bootstrap popover component?
25. Explain the use of the Bootstrap breadcrumb component.
26. What is the purpose of the Bootstrap modal component?
27. How can you create a responsive card layout in Bootstrap?
28. What is the role of the Bootstrap collapse component?
29. Explain the use of the Bootstrap progress bar component.
30. What are Bootstrap utilities?
31. How would you implement a design that needs to be responsive across various devices ?

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