HTML provides various input types that allow users to enter different types of data in web forms. Each
input type is designed for a specific purpose, and they can be used to collect different types of
information from users. Here are some of the most commonly used input types in HTML:
- <input type=”text”>
- <input type=”checkbox”>
- <input type=”button”>
- <input type=”color”>
- <input type=”date”>
- <input type=”file”>
- <input type=”email”>
- <input type=”password”>
- <input type=”hidden”>
- <input type=”number”>
- <input type=”radio”>
- <input type=”range”>
- <input type=”reset”>
- <input type=”submit”>
- <input type=”tel”>
- <input type=”url”>
- <input type=”week”>
- <input type=”time”>
- <input type=”search”>