S.No | Question |
*1. | Explain the steps to install Node.js on your computer. Create a simple "Hello World" program and run it using Node.js. |
*2. | Write a Node.js program that uses the `path` module to join and normalize file paths. Also, create a program that utilizes the `url` module to parse and manipulate URLs. |
*3. | Develop a Node.js script to read a text file asynchronously using the `fs` module and display its contents. |
*4. | Create a basic HTTP server using Node.js. When a client makes a request to the server, respond with "Hello, World!". |
*5. | Expand on the previous HTTP server by implementing basic routing. Depending on the URL path, return different responses (e.g., "Welcome to Home Page" for '/', "About Us" for '/about', etc.). |
S.No | Question |
#1. | Create Multiple Pages(Home , About and Services) and also attach images and bootstrap in it. Prepare Menu Bar for routing. |
#2. | Enhance your server to handle POST requests. Create a form in HTML that sends data to the server, which then processes and displays it. |
#3. | Modify your server to serve static HTML, CSS, and image files. When a user accesses '/style.css' or '/image.jpg', they should see the respective content. |
#4. | Implement a logging system in your Node.js server. Log each incoming request along with a timestamp and the requested URL. |
#5. | Extend your routing system to handle URL parameters. For example, create a route like '/user/:id' that displays user information based on the 'id' parameter. |
#6. | Build a simple RESTful API using Node.js. Create endpoints for CRUD operations (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) on a resource like "tasks" or "products". Test your API using tools like Postman or curl. |
S.No | Question |
*1. | Take input 5 subjects marks and send Get request to server and show total, percentage and grade in response page. |
*2. | Set up an Express.js application on your local machine, and create a basic server that listens on port 3000. Test the server to ensure it's running. |
*3. | Create an Express application that uses the EJS template engine to render a dynamic webpage. Pass data from the server to the template and display it. |
*4. | Build an Express app with three different routes: '/home', '/about', and '/contact'. Each route should render a separate HTML page. |
*5. | Implement an Express route that handles POST requests. Create a simple HTML form that allows users to submit data, and then display the submitted data on a new page. |
*6. | Extend your Express app to handle PUT requests. Design a route that updates existing data, such as user information, based on an 'id' parameter. |
*7. | Take employee income details such as basic salary , incentives , bonus and tax from user and send Post request to server and show off result on response page. |
S.No | Question |
#1. | Patient Records Management Application with this menu : Home Add Patient Show Patient 1. Add New Patient 2. Show All Patient in Table 3. Delete Patient Note : Data is stored in a JSON File. |
#2. | Develop an Express route to handle DELETE requests. Define a route that removes data, such as user records, based on an 'id' parameter. |
#3. | Build an Express API endpoint at '/api/users' that responds with a JSON array of user objects. Populate the JSON data with mock user data. |
#4. | Implement a custom middleware function in your Express app. Log a message to the console for each incoming request. |
#5. | Create an error-handling middleware in Express. Test it by intentionally triggering an error in one of your routes and ensuring that the error handler responds appropriately. |
S.No | Question |
*1. | Patient Records Management Application with this menu : Home Add Patient Show Patient 1. Add New Patient 2. Show All Patient in Table 3. Delete Patient |
S.No | Question |
#1. | Manage Multiple Students Exam Details via Mysql : Exam Details : RollNumber , Name , Branch , Physics , Chemistry , Maths Operations : 1. Add Exam Details 2. Delete Exam 3.Filter Exam Records Via Branch , Name and Roll Number |
S.No | Question |
*1. | Create REST API for Patient Records Management Application. |
S.No | Question |
#1. | Create REST API Manage Student CRUD. |
#2. | Create Three Tables : Department departmentId , departmentName Employee empId , empName , empEmail , empDepartment , empSalary EmpSalary salId , employee , month , amount , bonus 1. Add , Update and List Department Api 2. Add , Update and List Employee Api 3. Add and List Employee Salary Api |
S.No | Question |
*1. | Patient Records Management Application with this menu : Home Add Patient Show Patient 1. Add New Patient 2. Show All Patient in Table 3. Delete Patient Note : Data is stored in a Mongoose Table. |
S.No | Question |
#1. | Manage Multiple Students Exam Details via Mysql : Exam Details : RollNumber , Name , Branch , Physics , Chemistry , Maths Operations : 1. Add Exam Details 2. Delete Exam 3.Filter Exam Records Via Branch , Name and Roll Number |
S.No | Question |
*1. | Create a Node.js script that generates a JWT token. The token should include a user’s unique identifier and a custom claim (e.g., “role” with a value of “user”). After generating the token, print it to the console. |
*2. | Develop an API endpoint that allows users to upload files (e.g., images) to your Node.js server. Describe how to handle file uploads, store them on the server, and provide a link to access the uploaded files. |
S.No | Question |
#1. | Develop a Node.js script that verifies the authenticity of a given JWT token. You should provide a secret key used for signing the token. The script should take a token as input and verify whether it’s valid or not. If the token is valid, print a success message; otherwise, print an error message. |
#2. | Implement functionality for users to download and manage their uploaded files. Create routes that list, download, and delete user-specific files stored on the server. |
S.No | Question |
1. |
Note : Using Sequelize and Mongoose. |
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