S.No | Question |
*1. | Write a program that takes two numbers as input and displays their sum using the addition operator. |
*2. | Write a program that swaps the values of two variable without using a temporary variable. |
*3. | Write a program that checks if a given number is even or odd using the modulus operator (%). |
*4. | Write a program that converts a string to a number and displays the result. For example, convert the string “42” to the number 42. |
*5. | Write a program that compares two strings and checks if they are equal using the equality (==) operator. |
*6. | Write a program that checks if a given number is positive, negative, or zero using an if-else statements. |
*7. | Write a program that prompts the user to enter a grade (A, B, C, D, or F) and displays a corresponding message using a switch statement. |
*8. | Write a program that finds the maximum of three numbers entered by the user using nested if-else statements. |
*9. | Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number and displays whether it is prime or not using a loop and if-else statements. |
*10. | Write a program that converts a given month number (1-12) into its corresponding name (January – December) using a switch statement. |
*11. | Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 10 using a for loop. |
*12. | Create a program that calculates the sum of all numbers from 1 to a given number entered by the user using a while loop. |
*13. | Write a program that prompts that user to enter a password and keeps asking until the correct password is entered using a do-while loop. |
*14. | Create a program that prints the multiplication table of a given number entered by the user using a for loop. |
*15. | Write a program that finds the factorial of a given number using a for loop. |
*16. | Write a Dart function that takes two integers as parameters and returns their sum. |
*17. | Write a Dart function that checks if a number is even or odd and returns a corresponding message. |
*18. | Create a Dart function that calculates the factorial of a given number using recursion. |
*19. | Write a Dart function that checks if a given number is prime and returns a Boolean value. |
*20. | Create a Dart function that generates a Fibonacci sequence up to a given number and returns a list. |
*21. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of a global variable. |
*22. | Write a Dart function that calculates the perimeter of a rectangle using local variables. |
*23. | Write a Dart function that calculates the factorial of a given number using a local variable. |
*24. | Write a Dart function that checks if a given number is prime using a local variable. |
*25. | Write a Dart program that uses an anonymous function to calculate the square of a given number. |
*26. | Write a Dart program that uses an anonymous function to filter even numbers from a list. |
*27. | Write a Dart program that uses an anonymous function to convert a list of string to uppercase. |
*28. | Write a Dart program that uses an arrow function to check if number is positive. |
*29. | Write a Dart program that uses an arrow function to reverse a string. |
*30. | Write a Dart program that creates a list of integers and prints the sum of all the numbers in the list. |
*31. | Create a Dart program that adds elements to a list using the ‘add’ method and prints the updated list. |
*32. | Create a Dart program that updates a value in a map using the key and prints the updated map. |
*33. | Create a Dart program that sorts a list of integers in ascending order and prints the sorted list. |
*34. | Create a Dart program that performs a union operation on two sets and prints the resulting set. |
S.No | Question |
#1. | Create a program that calculates the area of a rectangle given its length and width using multiplication. |
#2. | Create a program that converts a temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit using the formula: Fahrenheit = (Celsius* 9/5) + 32. |
#3. | Create a program that calculates the average of three numbers using the division and addition operators. |
#4. | Create a program that calculates the area of circle given its radius using the mathematical constant pi. |
#5. | Create a program that calculates the factorial of a given number using a loop and the multiplication operator. |
#6. | Create a program that determines whether a year entered by the user is a leap year or not using an if-else statement. |
#7. | Create a program that simulates a simple calculator. Prompt the user to enter two numbers and an operator (+,- ,*, /), then perform the corresponding operation using a switch statement. |
#8. | Create a program that checks if a given character is a vowel or a consonant using a switch statement. |
#9. | Create a program that generates a random number between 1 and 10 and allows the user to guess it. Display a message indicating if the guess is correct or not using an if-else statement. |
#10. | Create a program that simulates a simple quiz. Ask the user a multiple-choice question and validate the answer using if-else statements. Provide appropriate feedback based on the user’s response. |
#11. | Create a program that prints the Fibonacci sequence up to a given number entered by the user using a while loop. |
#12. | Write a program that prompts the user to enter a series of numbers and finds the maximum among them using a for loop. |
#13. | Create a program that checks if a given number is prime or not using a for loop. |
#14. | Write a program that generates a random number between 1 and 100 and allows the user to guess it. Provide appropriate feedback and keep asking until the correct guess is made using a do-while loop. |
#15. | Create a program that prints the ASCII values of all uppercase letters from A to Z using a for loop. |
#16. | Create a Dart function that calculates the area of a rectangle given its length and width, and returns the result. |
#17. | Write a Dart function that converts a temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit and returns the result. |
#18. | Create a Dart function that checks if a given string is a palindrome and returns a Boolean value. |
#19. | Write a Dart function that calculates the sum of all numbers in a list and returns the result. |
#20. | Create a Dart function that counts the number of vowels in a given string and returns the count. | #21. | Create a Dart program that shows the difference between local and global variable. |
#22. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of a local variable inside a loop. |
#23. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the scope of local variable. |
#24. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the shadowing of local variables. |
#25. | Create a Dart program that uses an anonymous function to find the sum of two numbers. |
#26. | Create a Dart program that uses an anonymous function to find the maximum number in a list. |
#27. | Create a Dart program that uses an arrow function to calculate the area of a rectangle. |
#28. | Create a Dart program that uses an arrow function to calculate the sum of a list of a numbers. |
#29. | Create a Dart program that uses an arrow function to calculate the square root of a number. |
#30. | Create a Dart program that creates a map representing a person with keys “name”, “age”, and “city”. Print the values of the map. |
#31. | Write a Dart program that removes an element from a list using the ‘remove’ method and prints the updated list. |
#32. | Write a Dart program that checks if an element exists in a set using the ‘contains’ method and prints the result. |
#33. | Write a Dart program that retrieves all keys from a map and prints them. |
#34. | Write a Dart program that creates a set of strings and prints the number of unique elements in the set. |
S.No | Question |
*1. | Write a Dart program that creates a class called ‘Person’ with properties ‘name’ and ‘age’. Implement a default constructor and a named constructor. |
*2. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of static variables and methods in a class. |
*3. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates the concept of constructor chaining using the ‘this’ keyword. |
*4. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of default parameter values in a constructor. |
*5. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of the ‘assert’ keyword in a constructor. |
*6. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates single inheritance by creating a base class ‘Animal’ and a derived class ‘Cat’. |
*7. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates hierarchical inheritance by creating a base class ‘Shape’ and two derived classes ‘Rectangle’ and ‘Circle’. |
*8. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates method overriding in inheritance. |
*9. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates the concept of abstract classes and methods in inheritance. |
*10. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of mixins inheritance. |
*11. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates method overriding and runtime ploymorphism. |
*12. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates the concept of runtime polumorphism by having a list of animals and calling the ‘makeSound()’ method for each animal. |
*13. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates method overriding and runtime polymorphism with a base class and its subclasses. |
*14. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates method overriding and runtime polymorphism with a base class and its subclasses implementing an interface. |
*15. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates method overriding and runtime polymorphism with a base class and its subclasses having different parameterized constructors. |
*16. | Write a Dart program that demonstrate abstraction and abstract classes. |
*17. | Write a Dart program that demonstrate the concept of abstraction and abstract classes with abstract methods. |
*18. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates abstraction and abstract classes with named constructors. |
*19. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of abstract classes and interfaces in a hierarchical structure. |
*20. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates abstraction and abstract classes with static members. |
*21. | Write a Dart program that uses the ‘http’ package to make an HTTP GET request and fetch data from a remote server. |
*22. | Write a Dart program that uses the ‘path’ package to manipulate file and directory paths. |
*23. | Write a Dart program that uses the ‘flutter_launcher_icons’ package to generate app launcher icons for a flutter project. |
*24. | Write a Dart program that uses the ‘flutter_localizations’ package to add internationalization support to a Flutter app. |
*25. | Write a Dart program that uses the ‘connectivity’ package to check the internet connectivity status in a Flutter app. |
*26. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates the use of try-catch blocks to handle a specific exception. |
*27. | Write a Dart program that uses the ‘on’ keyword to catch specific exceptions. |
*28. | Write a Dart program that uses the ‘finally’ block to perform cleanup operations. |
*29. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates the use of the ‘finally’ block with a return statement. |
*30. | Write a Dart program that demonstrates the use of stack traces to debug exceptions. |
*31. | Write a Dart program that uses the ‘async’ and ‘await’ keywords to perform an asynchronous operation. |
*32. | Write a Dart program that uses isolates to perform computationally intensive tasks in parallel. |
*33. | Write a Dart program that uses the ‘Stream’ class to handle a stream of data asynchronously. |
*34. | Write a Dart program that uses the ‘await for’ loop to iterate over a stream of data asynchronously. |
*35. | Write a Dart program that uses the ‘StreamTransformer’ class to perform and filter a stream of data. |
S.No | Question |
#1. | Create a Dart program that uses the ‘this’ keyword to refer to the current instance of a class. |
#2. | Create a Dart program that initialize an object using a static factory method. |
#3. | Create a Dart program that uses a private constructor to restrict the instantiation of a class. |
#4. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of constant constructors. |
#5. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of the ‘required’ keyword in a constructor. |
#6. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates multilevel inheritance by creating a base class ‘Animal’ an intermediate class ‘Mammal’ and a derived class ‘Cat’. |
#7. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates multiple inheritance using interfaces by creating two classes ‘Flyer’ and ‘Swimmer’ implementing the interface ‘Animal’. |
#8. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of the ‘super’ keyword to call the base class method. |
#9. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of the ‘is’ and ‘as’ keywords for type checking and type casting in inheritance. |
#10. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of abstract classes and multiple inheritance using interfaces. |
#11. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of the ‘super’ keyword to call the base class method. |
#12. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates method overriding and runtime polymorphism with a parameterized method. |
#13. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of the ‘super’ keyword with parameters in a method override. |
#14. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates runtime polymorphism with a base class and its subclasses implementing multiple interfaces. |
#15. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the usage of the ‘super’ keyword with named constructors in method overriding. |
#16. | Create a Dart program that demonstrate abstraction and interfaces. |
#17. | Create a Dart program that demonstrate abstraction and interfaces with multiple inheritance. |
#18. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates abstraction and interfaces with default implementations. |
#19. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates abstraction and interfaces with getters and setters. |
#20. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates abstraction and interfaces with private members. | #21. | Create a Dart program that uses the ‘int1’ package to format a date and time according to a specific locale. |
#22. | Create a Dart program that uses the ‘shared_preferences’ package to persist data locally on the device. |
#23. | Create a Dart program that uses the ‘firebase_core’ package to initialize Firebase in a Flutter project. |
#24. | Create a Dart program that uses the ‘flutter_svg’ package to display SVG images in a Flutter app. |
#25. | Create a Dart program that uses the ‘sqflite’ package to perform SQLite database operation in a Flutter app. |
#26. | Create a Dart program that uses try-catch-finally blocks to handle exceptions and ensure cleanup of resources. |
#27. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the use of the ‘rethrow’ keyword to rethrow an exception. |
#28. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the use of custom exceptions. |
#29. | Create a Dart program that uses the ‘on’ keyword to catch multiple exceptions. |
#30. | Create a Dart program that uses the ‘assert’ function to validate inputs and detect logical errors. |
#31. | Create a Dart program that uses the ‘Future’ class to handle a long-running computation asynchronously. |
#32. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the use of ‘Future.wait’ to perform multiple asynchronous operations concurrently. |
#33. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the use of ‘StreamController’ to create and control a stream of data. |
#34. | Create a Dart program that demonstrates the use of ‘Completer’ to handle a future result asynchronously. |
S.No | Question |
*1. | Create a Dart program that displays a simple mobile UI with buttons and text fields. |
*2. | Implement a Dart program that retrieves data from a remote server using HTTP requests and displays it in a mobile app. |
*3. | Create a Dart program that uses local storage to store and retrieve data persistently in a mobile app. |
*4. | Implement a Dart program that communicates with a RESTful API to fetch and display data in a mobile app. |
*5. | Create a Dart program that implements a real-time chat functionality using WebSocket communication in a mobile app. |
*6. | Implement the BLOC (Business Logic Component) pattern in Flutter to manage the state of a simple counter app. |
*7. | Develop a Flutter app that uses the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture to separate the business logic and presentation logic. |
*8. | Implement the Clean Architecture in a Flutter app by separating the app into layers and defining clear boundaries between the presentation layer, domain layer, and data layer. |
*9. | Develop a Flutter app that follow the Flutter Modular architecture and uses modules to organize the app into smaller, reusable components. |
*10. | Implement the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) architecture in a Flutter app, separating the logic of the app into distinct layers and improving testability. |
*11. | Create a Flutter app with a stateless widget that displays a static text message. |
*12. | Build a Flutter app with a stateful widget that displays a list of items fetched from an API. |
*13. | Create a Flutter app with a stateless widget that displays a random quote every time the screen is refreshed. |
*14. | WBuild a Flutter app with a stateful widget that fetches data from an API periodically and displays it on the screen. |
*15. | Create a Flutter app with a stateful widget that validates user input in a form and displays appropriate error message. |
*16. | Create a Flutter app with a ‘Container’ widget that contains a single child widget and applies custom styling properties like color and padding. |
*17. | Build a Flutter app with a ‘Column’ widget that displays multiple child widgets vertically. |
*18. | Create a Flutter app with a ‘ListView’ widget that displays a scrollable list of child widgets. |
*19. | Build a Flutter app with a ‘Wrap’ widget that arranges multiple child widgets to the next line when there’s not enough horizontal space. |
*20. | Create a Flutter app with a ‘Card’ widget that displays multiple child widgets. |
*21. | Create a Flutter app with a ‘TextField’ widget that allows the user to input text and displays the entered text on a button press. |
*22. | Build a Flutter app with a ‘Checkbox’ widget that allows the user to toggle a value and displays the current state. |
*23. | Create a Flutter app with a ‘ButtonBar’ widget that has a specified height, width, and padding. |
*24. | Develop a Flutter app with a ‘Scaffold’ widget that displays an ‘AppBar’ and a simple body. |
*25. | Build a Flutter app with a ‘TabBar’ and ‘TabBarView’ widget that displays different content based on the selected tab. |
*26. | Create a Flutter app with a ‘BottomNavigationBar’ that includes badges on the icons. |
*27. | Create a Flutter app with a ‘ListTile’ widget that displays a title and subtitle. |
*28. | Build a Flutter app with a ‘FlatButton’ that changes its color when pressed. |
*29. | Create a Flutter app with a ‘RaisedButton’ that shows a snackbar when pressed. |
*30. | Create a Dart function that simulates an asynchronous task using ‘async’ and ‘await’. |
*31. | Build a Dart function that reads a file asynchronously using ‘async’ and ‘await’. |
*32. | Create a Dart function that performs an asynchronously operation with error handling using ‘trycatch’ and ‘async’/’await’. |
*33. | Implement a Dart function that executes a series of asynchronous tasks sequentially using ‘async’ and ‘await’. |
*34. | Create a Dart function that performs an asynchronous task with a timeout using ‘async’ and ‘await’. |
*35. | Create a Flutter app that detects a tap gesture on a specific widget and performs an action. |
*36. | Build a Flutter app that detects a swipe gesture in different directions and displays the direction in a text widget. |
*37. | Create a Flutter app that detects a pinch gesture and scales an image widget. |
*38. | Build a Flutter app that defects a scale gesture and zooms in/out an image. |
*39. | Create a Flutter app that detects a force press gesture and displays the pressure level. |
*40. | Create a Flutter app with a bouncing animation effect. |
*41. | Create a Flutter app that displays a gallery of images. |
*42. | Implement a Flutter app with an animated menu. |
*43. | Develop a Flutter app with a circular menu. |
*44. | Create a Flutter app with a gallery using a PageView. |
*45. | Create a Flutter app with two screens and navigate between them. |
*46. | Create a Flutter app with a bottom navigation bar. |
*47. | Create a Flutter app with a drawer menu. |
*48. | Develop a Flutter app with a bottom navigation bar and different screens for each tab. |
*49. | Implement a Flutter app with a named route and passing arguments. |
*50. | Implement a simple login form with state management. |
*51. | Implement a signup form using BLoC pattern for state management. |
*52. | Implement a theme toggle using Riverpod for state management. |
*53. | Implement a timer app using Provider for state management. |
*54. | Implement a user profile screen using BLoC pattern for state management. |
S.No | Question |
#1. | Develop a Dart program that retrieves data from a remote server using HTTP requests and displays it in a mobile app. |
#2. | Build a Dart program that uses geolocation services to fetch the current location of a user’s mobile device. |
#3. | Develop a Dart program that integrates with the device’s camera to capture photos and display them in a mobile app. |
#4. | Build a Dart program that utilize Firebase Cloud Messaging to send push notifications to a mobile device. |
#5. | Develop a Dart program that utilizes the device’s accelerometer to detect motion and perform actions in a mobile app. |
#6. | Create a Flutter app that follows the Provider pattern to manage global state and demonstrate how to access and update the state from different widgets. |
#7. | Build a Flutter app that implements the redux architecture for state management and demonstrates how to dispatch actions and handle state changes. |
#8. | Create a flutter app that uses the Repository pattern to handle data access and provides an abstraction layer between the data sources and the rest of the app. |
#9. | Build a Flutter app that uses the Provider and Riverpod libraries to implement dependency injection and manage dependencies between different parts of the app. |
#10. | Create a flutter app that uses the Flutter Hooks package to implement a functional programming style and manage state in a more concise and declarative way. |
#11. | Develop a Flutter app with a stateful widget that increments a counter when a button is pressed. |
#12. | Implement a Flutter app with a stateful widget that toggles the visibility of a widget when a button is pressed. |
#13. | Develop a Flutter app with a stateful widget that fetches data from an API periodically and displays it on the screen. |
#14. | Implement a Flutter app with a stateful widget that loads and displays images from the internet. |
#15. | Develop a Flutter app with a stateful widget that uses a timer to update the UI periodically. |
#16. | Develop a Flutter app with a ‘Row’ widget that displays multiple child widgets horizontally. |
#17. | Implement a Flutter app with a ‘Stack’ widget that overlays multiple child widgets on top of each other. |
#18. | Develop a Flutter app with a ‘GridView’ widget that arranges multiple child widgets in a grid layout. |
#19. | Implement a Flutter app with an ‘Expanded’ widget that distributes available space evenly among multiple child widgets. |
#20. | Develop a Flutter app with a ‘Table’ widget that arranges multiple child widgets in a tabular layout with rows and columns. | #21. | Develop a Flutter app with a ‘ButtonBar’ widget that displays a row of buttons with custom padding and alignment. |
#22. | Implement a Flutter app with a ‘TextField’ widget that has a specified height, width, and padding. |
#23. | Develop a Flutter app with a ‘Checkbox’ widget that has a specified height, width, and padding. |
#24. | Develop a Flutter app with a ‘BottomNavigateBar’ widget that switches between different screens. |
#25. | Implement a Flutter app with a ‘Scaffold’ widget that includes a ‘FloatingActionButton’. |
#26. | Develop a Flutter app with a ‘TopBar’ and ‘TabBarView’ that includes custom colors and styling. |
#27. | Develop a Flutter app with a ‘FloatingActionButton’ that performs an action when pressed. |
#28. | Implement a Flutter app with an ‘IconButton’ that shows a dialog when pressed. |
#29. | Develop a Flutter app with a ‘Card’ widget that displays an image and some text. |
#30. | Develop a Dart program that fetches data from an API using ‘async’ and ‘await’. |
#31. | Implement a Dart program that performs multiple asynchronous tasks concurrently using ‘async’ and ‘await’. |
#32. | Develop a Dart program that performs a time-consuming calculation asynchronously using ‘async’ and ‘await’. |
#33. | Develop a Dart program that fetches data from multiple APIs concurrently using ‘async’ and ‘await’. |
#34. | Implements a Dart program that performs an asynchronous operation with progress updates using ‘Stream’ and ‘async’/’await’. |
#35. | Develop a Flutter app that detects a long press gesture and displays a dialog. |
#36. | Implement a Flutter app that detects a double tap gesture and changes the color of a widget. |
#37. | Develop a Flutter app that detects a vertical drag gesture and scrolls list. |
#38. | Implement a Flutter app that defects a long press move gesture and drags an object on the screen. |
#39. | Develop a Flutter app that detects a rotate gesture and rotates an image. |
#40. | Implement a Flutter app with a dropdown menu. |
#41. | Develop a Flutter app that accesses the camera and captures an image. |
#42. | Create a Flutter app with a sliding menu. |
#43. | Implement a Flutter app with a tab bar. |
#44. | Develop a Flutter app with a camera preview. |
#45. | Implement a Flutter app with named routes and passing data between screens. |
#46. | Develop a Flutter app with a tab-based navigation. |
#47. | Implement a Flutter app with a login screen and navigate to the home screen on successful login. |
#48. | Create a Flutter app with a bottom navigation bar and persistent state between screens. |
#49. | Create a Flutter app with a drawer menu and navigate to different screens. |
#50. | Implement a counter app using Provider for state management. |
#51. | Implement a shopping cart using MobX for state management. |
#52. | Implement a todo list using GetX for state management. |
#53. | Implement a weather app using Riverpod for state management. |
#54. | Implement a favorites list using MobX for state management. |
S.No | Question |
*1. | Create a Flutter application that stores and retrieves user information (name, email, age) in a SQLite database. |
*2. | Use the ‘http’ package in Dart to make a GET request to a public API (e.g., weather API) and display the response data in your application. |
*3. | Build a Flutter app that consumes a Restful API to fetch and display a list of products. |
*4. | Create a Dart program that generates a random OTP and sends it to a user’s phone number or email using an external service (e.g., Twilio, SendGrid). |
*5. | Integrate the Google Sign-In API in your Flutter app to allow users to log in using their Gmail accounts. |
*6. | Set up Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) in your Flutter app to send remote push notifications to the device. |
*7. | Integrate a payment gateway SDK (such as Stripe or PayPal) into your Dart application to enable online payment processing. |
*8. | Implement JWT (JSON Web Tokens) authentication in your Dart app to secure your Restful API endpoints. |
*9. | Create a Flutter app with a login/register screen using Firebase Authentication. |
*10. | Use Firebase Real-time Database in your Dart app to synchronize data across multiple devices in real – time. |
S.No | Question |
#1. | Implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations on the user data using SQLite. |
#2. | Implement a POST request to send data to a server (e.g., user registration) using the ‘http’ package. |
#3. | Implement pagination functionality in your app by making subsequent requests to retrieve additional data from the API. |
#4. | Implement OTP verification by comparing the entered OTP with the generated OTP in your Dart application. |
#5. | Retrieve the user’s basic profile information (name, email, profile picture) after successful authentication. |
#6. | Implement handling of incoming push notifications and display them as system notifications or within the app. |
#7. | Implement a checkout flow where users can enter payment details and complete a purchase using the integrated payment gateway. |
#8. | Validate and decode JWT tokens received from the client to authenticate and authorize requests. |
#9. | Implement different user roles (e.g. admin, regular user) and restrict access to certain features based on the user’s role. |
#10. | Implement real-time chat functionality where messages sent from one device are instantly visible on other devices. |
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