S.No | Question |
1. | What is React? |
2. | Why React is used? |
3. | How React works? |
4. | What are the features of ReactJS? |
5. | What are the Advantages of React JS? |
6. | Does React JS use HTML? |
7. | What is JSX? |
8. | What are Life Cycle Methods in React? |
9. | What is React State? |
10. | What are the differences between the Class component and Functional component? |
11. | What is props in React? |
12. | What are the significant differences between state and props? |
13. | What is meant by callback function? What is its purpose? |
14. | What do you mean by virtual DOM? |
15. | What is an event in React? |
16. | What is the difference between Real DOM and virtual DOM? |
17. | What do you know about React Router? |
18. | Explain the term stateless components ? |
19. | When was React first released? |
20. | Explain the use of the arrow function in React ? |
21. | What is Axios ? |
22. | What are the limitations of React? |
23. | How can a browser read JSX file? |
24. | Is it possible to nest JSX elements into other JSX elements? |
25. | Define the term Redux in React? |
26. | What is the ‘Store’ feature in Redux? |
27. | What is an action in Redux? |
28. | What is dispatcher? |
29. | Explain the term high order component. |
30. | What is ‘create-react-app’? |
31. | Explain strict mode. |
32. | What is Babel in React js? |
33. | What is the reduction? |
34. | What are React hooks? Explain the difference between useState and useEffect. |
35. | What is Flux Concept In React? |
36. | Explain the Presentational segment > |
37. | Name two types of React component ? |
38. | Explain synthetic event in React js |
39. | How can you update state in react js? |
40. | Explain pure components in React js . |
41. | What kind of information controls a segment in React? |
42. | Explain the use of 'key' in react list |
43. | What are children prop ? |
44. | Explain error boundaries? |
45. | What is the use of empty tags ? |
46. | What are reacted portals? |
47. | What is Context? |
48. | What is the use of Webpack? |
49. | What are the major issues of using MVC architecture in React? |
50. | What can be done when there is more than one line of expression? |
51. | When should you use the top-class elements for the function element? |
52. | How can you share an element in the parsing? |
53. | Explain the term reconciliation |
54. | How can you re-render a component without using setState() function? |
55. | Can you update props in react? |
56. | Explain the term 'Restructuring'. |
57. | Can you update the values of props? |
58. | Explain the meaning of Mounting and Demounting ? |
59. | What is the use of ‘props-types’ liberary? |
60. | What is useState() in React ? |
61. | What are the differences between controlled and uncontrolled components? |
62. | When rendering a list what is a key and what is it's purpose? |
63. | Why do React Hooks make use of refs? |
64. | What is context? |
65 | What is children prop? |
66 | What is the difference between Shadow DOM and Virtual DOM? |
67 | What is the difference between React and ReactDOM? |
68 | What is the purpose of ReactTestUtils package? |
69 | What are the core principles of Redux? |
70 | How to access Redux store outside a component? |
71. | What is the Context API in React? How can it be used to manage global state? |
72. | What are React render props? How do they enable component composition and code reusability? |
73. | How can you optimize performance in a React application? Discuss techniques like memoization, code splitting, and lazy loading. |
74 | What is the difference between component and container in React Redux? |
75 | What is the difference between React context and React Redux? |
76 | What is Lifting State Up in React? |
77 | Why fragments are better than container divs? |
78 | What is Jest? |
79 | Differentiate React Hooks vs Classes. |
80 | Why should we not update the state directly? |
81 | What is the difference between HTML and React event handling? |
82 | What are fragments? |
83 | Differentiate between States and Props. |
84 | Describe the lifecycle of a React component and how you would use it to fetch data. |
85 | What Strategies would you employ to optimize the performance of a web application ? |
86 | What are the SEO chanllanges with SPAs and how can they be addressed ? |
87 | How do you ensure your web application is accessible ? |
88 | Compare the useState and useReducer hooks in React. |
89 | What is tree shaking and how does it help in front-end development ? |
90 | What makes a web application a PWA ? |
91 | What key performance metrics would you consider critical for a web application ? |
92 | How do you protect a front-end application from common security threats ? |
93 | Compare server-side rendering (SSR) and client-side rendering (CSR). |
94 | How do you manage state in a single-page application (SPA) ? |
95 | What strategies and tools do you use for front-end applications. |
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