S.No | Question |
1. | Why did you choose iOS? |
2. | What is Swift?What is Objective-C?How it is different from Objective-C? |
3. | What is Class, Object |
4. | What is Structure?Difference b/w structure & class. |
5. | Difference b/w var & let. |
6. | What is Optional Type? What is the meaning of “?” |
7. | How can you make a property optional? |
8. | What is Optional Chaining?? Difference b/w optional chaining & forced unwrapping |
9. | What is Array & Dictionary OR What are different collection types available in Swift? |
10. | What is Set? |
11. | What is Tuples? |
12. | What is Functions? |
13. | What is Closure Why it is used? |
14. | What is Initializers & Self? |
15. | What is Inheritance? |
16. | What is Protocol? |
17. | What is Polymorphism & Runtime polymorphism? |
18. | What is Enum? |
19. | What is Generics? |
20. | What is Extension? |
21. | What are Literals?& what are types? |
22. | What is lazy stored properties?When is it used? |
23. | What are the process to fetching data in swift? |
24. | What is Delegate Pattern? |
25. | What is View Controller Lifecycle How many ways to create UI (which attach with viewController class)? |
26. | What is latest iOS version? |
27. | What is latest Xcode version? |
28. | What is the Current Macos version? |
29. | what is iPhone screen size? |
30. | How memory management works in Swift. |
31. | What is Cococa and cocoa touch? |
32. | What is Swift? |
33. | What is a property ? Property type and property observers. |
34. | What is "Protocol" in Swift? |
35. | What is use of UIApplication class? |
36. | What is Access Levels? |
37. | What is DeInitializer? |
38. | What is Delegation in iOS? |
39. | What is difference between "protocol" and "delegate"? |
40. | What is "Push Notification"? |
41. | What is storyboard? |
42. | What happens when we invoke a method on a nil pointer? |
43. | What is thread, how to use it? |
44. | What is synchronous and asynchronous web request? |
45. | Explain stack and heap? |
46. | What are the ViewController lifecycle in ios? |
47. | Difference between coredata & sqlite? |
48. | What is Procedure to push the app in AppStore? |
49. | What is the MVC software architecture pattern? |
50. | What’s the difference between a xib and a storyboard? |
51. | Whats the difference between frame and bounds? |
52. | What are the App states. Explain them? |
53. | What is Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)? |
54. | How can we achieve singleton pattern in iOS? |
55. | When an app is said to be in not running state? |
56. | Give example scenarios when an application goes into Inactive state? |
57. | When an app is said to be in active state? |
58. | How can you respond to state transitions on your app? |
59. | Who calls the main function of your app during the app launch cycle? |
60. | What is the purpose of UIWindow object? |
61. | Define View object. |
62. | What is App Bundle? |
63. | Tell about any four frameworks used in iphone? |
64. | What are KVO and KVC? |
65. | What is responder chain? |
66. | What is Autorelease Pool? |
67. | What is Event Loop? |
68. | What is Collection? |
69. | What is GCD? |
70. | What is Dynamic type checking in swift/Objective-C? |
71. | What is Completion Handler? |
72. | What is Typealias ? |
73. | What is defer keyword? |
74. | What is the difference between Any,AnyObject? |
75. | What is subscript method ? |
76. | What is Member wise initialization in Struct? |
77. | What is the difference between Frame and Bounds? |
78. | What is the difference between Upcast and Downcast? |
79. | What is the difference between == and === ? |
80. | What does the Swift mutating keyword mean? |
81. | How to break out of multiple loop levels? |
82. | What is trailing closure syntax? |
83. | What is inout parameters? |
84. | What is difference between as?, as! and as in Swift? |
85. | What's the difference between Self vs self? |
86. | What’s the difference between a protocol and a class in Swift? |
87. | How is an “ Unowned reference” different from a “Weak Reference”? |
88. | When to use a set rather than an array in Swift? |
89. | What is the difference between fileprivate and private? |
90. | Is there a way to create an abstract class in Swift? |
91. | What is Copy on Write (Cow) in Swift? |
92. | What is the difference between open and public keywords in Swift? |
93. | What is the use of Hashable protocol? |
94. | What’s the Fallible initializer init?()? |
95. | What is a Variadic function? |
96. | What’s the Difference Between Structures and Classes? |
97. | What is Optional Chaining? |
98. | What Is Optional Binding? |
99. | What’s the Difference Between nil and None? |
100. | How Can You Disallow a Class from Being Inherited? |
101. | What Are Lazy Variables? When Should You Use One? |
102. | What is silent Notification? |
103. | What is the difference between try, try?, and try! in Swift? |
104. | What is the difference between an escaping closure and a none-escaping closure ? |
105. | What are opaque return type ? |
106. | What are generics and why are they useful ? |
107. | What does the CaseIterable protocol do ? |
108. | What’s the difference between Raw values and Associated values? |
109. | What is Operator Overloading? |
110. | How to define optional methods in swift protocols? |
111. | How background iOS app gets resumed in foreground? |
112. | What are the steps involved when app enter to foreground after device rebooted? |
113. | Which is the app state when device is rebooted? |
114. | When app is running but not receiving event. In which state app is in? |
115. | How an iOS app responds to interrupts like SMS, Incoming Call, Calendar, etc.? |
116. | Explain ViewController Life cycle? |
117. | Content Hugging priority vs Content Resistance priority? |
118. | What is the difference between protocol and delegate? |
119. | is it possible that an iOS Application can have more than one window? |
120. | Protocol & Delegation vs Notification Center? |
121. | What is Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)? |
122. | When is Memory Leak happening , how to fix it and how to find? |
123. | What is GCD? |
124. | What is dispatch queue? |
125. | Explain main thread and it’s usages? |
126. | What is serial queue? |
127. | What is concurrent queue? |
128. | Explain three GCD queues? |
129. | What is GCD’s Quality of Service? |
130. | What is race condition? |
131. | What is priority inversion? |
132. | What is deadlock? |
133. | What is concurrency? |
134. | What is NSOperation? |
135. | What is semaphore? |
136. | What is design pattern and explain briefly some commonly used Cocoa design patterns? |
137. | What is Singleton Pattern and why should we avoid over using it? |
138. | What is Singleton Pattern and why should we avoid over using it? |
139. | What is Decorator Design Pattern ? |
140. | What is factory method in Swift? |
141. | What is Facade Design Pattern ? |
142. | What are the basic differences between creational, structural and behavioural pattern? |
143. | What is Adapter Pattern? |
144. | What is Observer Pattern ? |
145. | What is the delegation pattern? |
146. | What is POP? |
147. | How would you securely store private user data offline on a device? What other security best practices should be taken? |
148. | Could you explain what is the difference between Delegate and KVO? |
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