Interview Questions

S.No Question
1. Why did you choose iOS?
2. What is Swift?What is Objective-C?How it is different from Objective-C?
3. What is Class, Object
4. What is Structure?Difference b/w structure & class.
5. Difference b/w var & let.
6. What is Optional Type? What is the meaning of “?”
7. How can you make a property optional?
8. What is Optional Chaining?? Difference b/w optional chaining & forced unwrapping
9. What is Array & Dictionary OR What are different collection types available in Swift?
10. What is Set?
11. What is Tuples?
12. What is Functions?
13. What is Closure Why it is used?
14. What is Initializers & Self?
15. What is Inheritance?
16. What is Protocol?
17. What is Polymorphism & Runtime polymorphism?
18. What is Enum?
19. What is Generics?
20. What is Extension?
21. What are Literals?& what are types?
22. What is lazy stored properties?When is it used?
23. What are the process to fetching data in swift?
24. What is Delegate Pattern?
25. What is View Controller Lifecycle How many ways to create UI (which attach with viewController class)?
26. What is latest iOS version?
27. What is latest Xcode version?
28. What is the Current Macos version?
29. what is iPhone screen size?
30. How memory management works in Swift.
31. What is Cococa and cocoa touch?
32. What is Swift?
33. What is a property ? Property type and property observers.
34. What is "Protocol" in Swift?
35. What is use of UIApplication class?
36. What is Access Levels?
37. What is DeInitializer?
38. What is Delegation in iOS?
39. What is difference between "protocol" and "delegate"?
40. What is "Push Notification"?
41. What is storyboard?
42. What happens when we invoke a method on a nil pointer?
43. What is thread, how to use it?
44. What is synchronous and asynchronous web request?
45. Explain stack and heap?
46. What are the ViewController lifecycle in ios?
47. Difference between coredata & sqlite?
48. What is Procedure to push the app in AppStore?
49. What is the MVC software architecture pattern?
50. What’s the difference between a xib and a storyboard?
51. Whats the difference between frame and bounds?
52. What are the App states. Explain them?
53. What is Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)?
54. How can we achieve singleton pattern in iOS?
55. When an app is said to be in not running state?
56. Give example scenarios when an application goes into Inactive state?
57. When an app is said to be in active state?
58. How can you respond to state transitions on your app?
59. Who calls the main function of your app during the app launch cycle?
60. What is the purpose of UIWindow object?
61. Define View object.
62. What is App Bundle?
63. Tell about any four frameworks used in iphone?
64. What are KVO and KVC?
65. What is responder chain?
66. What is Autorelease Pool?
67. What is Event Loop?
68. What is Collection?
69. What is GCD?
70. What is Dynamic type checking in swift/Objective-C?
71. What is Completion Handler?
72. What is Typealias ?
73. What is defer keyword?
74. What is the difference between Any,AnyObject?
75. What is subscript method ?
76. What is Member wise initialization in Struct?
77. What is the difference between Frame and Bounds?
78. What is the difference between Upcast and Downcast?
79. What is the difference between == and === ?
80. What does the Swift mutating keyword mean?
81. How to break out of multiple loop levels?
82. What is trailing closure syntax?
83. What is inout parameters?
84. What is difference between as?, as! and as in Swift?
85. What's the difference between Self vs self?
86. What’s the difference between a protocol and a class in Swift?
87. How is an “ Unowned reference” different from a “Weak Reference”?
88. When to use a set rather than an array in Swift?
89. What is the difference between fileprivate and private?
90. Is there a way to create an abstract class in Swift?
91. What is Copy on Write (Cow) in Swift?
92. What is the difference between open and public keywords in Swift?
93. What is the use of Hashable protocol?
94. What’s the Fallible initializer init?()?
95. What is a Variadic function?
96. What’s the Difference Between Structures and Classes?
97. What is Optional Chaining?
98. What Is Optional Binding?
99. What’s the Difference Between nil and None?
100. How Can You Disallow a Class from Being Inherited?
101. What Are Lazy Variables? When Should You Use One?
102. What is silent Notification?
103. What is the difference between try, try?, and try! in Swift?
104. What is the difference between an escaping closure and a none-escaping closure ?
105. What are opaque return type ?
106. What are generics and why are they useful ?
107. What does the CaseIterable protocol do ?
108. What’s the difference between Raw values and Associated values?
109. What is Operator Overloading?
110. How to define optional methods in swift protocols?
111. How background iOS app gets resumed in foreground?
112. What are the steps involved when app enter to foreground after device rebooted?
113. Which is the app state when device is rebooted?
114. When app is running but not receiving event. In which state app is in?
115. How an iOS app responds to interrupts like SMS, Incoming Call, Calendar, etc.?
116. Explain ViewController Life cycle?
117. Content Hugging priority vs Content Resistance priority?
118. What is the difference between protocol and delegate?
119. is it possible that an iOS Application can have more than one window?
120. Protocol & Delegation vs Notification Center?
121. What is Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)?
122. When is Memory Leak happening , how to fix it and how to find?
123. What is GCD?
124. What is dispatch queue?
125. Explain main thread and it’s usages?
126. What is serial queue?
127. What is concurrent queue?
128. Explain three GCD queues?
129. What is GCD’s Quality of Service?
130. What is race condition?
131. What is priority inversion?
132. What is deadlock?
133. What is concurrency?
134. What is NSOperation?
135. What is semaphore?
136. What is design pattern and explain briefly some commonly used Cocoa design patterns?
137. What is Singleton Pattern and why should we avoid over using it?
138. What is Singleton Pattern and why should we avoid over using it?
139. What is Decorator Design Pattern ?
140. What is factory method in Swift?
141. What is Facade Design Pattern ?
142. What are the basic differences between creational, structural and behavioural pattern?
143. What is Adapter Pattern?
144. What is Observer Pattern ?
145. What is the delegation pattern?
146. What is POP?
147. How would you securely store private user data offline on a device? What other security best practices should be taken?
148. Could you explain what is the difference between Delegate and KVO?

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