S.No | Question |
1. | What is Flutter? |
2. | What is a hybrid application> |
3. | Why do we need Dart programming for Flutter? |
4. | How do you install Android Studio? |
5. | How do you install Dart programming in Android Studio? |
6. | What are variables in Dart? |
7. | What are the different data types in Dart? |
8. | What are the arithmetic operators in Dart? |
9. | What is the difference between 'var', 'let', and 'const' in Dart? |
10. | How do you perform type conversion in Dart? |
11. | How do you use if-else statements in Dart? |
12. | What is the switch statement in Dart? |
13. | How do you use the break statement in Dart? |
14. | What is the default statement in the switch case in Dart? |
15. | What are the different types of loops in Dart? |
16. | What is a while loop in Dart? |
17. | What is a do-while loop in Dart? |
18. | What is a for loop in Dart? |
19. | What is a for-in loop in Dart? |
20. | What is a function in Dart? |
21. | What are the types of functions in Dart? |
22. | What are user-defined functions in Dart? |
23. | What are local and global variables in Dart? |
24. | What are anonymous functions in Dart? |
25. | What is an arrow function in Dart? |
26. | How do you create a list in Dart? |
27. | How do you access elements in a list in Dart? |
28. | What is a map in Dart? |
29. | How do you access elements in a map in Dart? |
30. | What is a set in Dart? |
31. | How do you perform operations on sets in Dart? |
32. | What is object-oriented programming (OOP)? |
33. | What is an object in OOP? |
34. | What is a class in OOP? |
35. | What are methods in OOP? |
36. | What are access specifiers in Dart? |
37. | What is a constructor in Dart? |
38. | What is a named constructor in Dart? |
39. | How do you use the "this" keyword in Dart? |
40. | What is a static method in Dart? |
41. | What is inheritance in OOP? |
42. | What is single inheritance in Dart? |
43. | What is multilevel inheritance in Dart? |
44. | What is hierarchical inheritance in Dart? |
45. | What is multiple inheritance in Dart? |
46. | What is runtime polymorphism in Dart? |
47. | How do you override a method in Dart? |
48. | What is the "super" keyword used for in Dart? |
49. | What is abstraction in OOP? |
50. | What is an abstract class in Dart? |
51. | What is an interface in Dart? |
52. | How do you use packages in Dart? |
53. | What are exceptions in Dart? |
54. | How do you handle exceptions in Dart? |
55. | What is multithreading in Dart? |
56. | What are isolates in Dart? |
57. | What is asynchronous programming in Dart? |
58. | How do you use the 'async' and 'await' keywords in Dart? |
59. | What is concurrency in Dart? |
60. | What is the main function in Dart? |
61. | How do you import a package in Dart? |
62. | What is the difference between 'import' and 'export' statements in Dart? |
63. | How do you use getters and setters in Dart? |
64. | What are mixins in Dart? |
65. | How do you implement mixins in Dart? |
66. | What are generics in Dart? |
67. | How do you implement generics in Dart? |
68. | What is the difference between 'final' and 'const' in Dart? |
69. | What are named parameters in Dart? |
70. | How do you use optional parameters in Dart? |
71. | What is the 'rethrow' keyword used for in Dart? |
72. | How do you implement a callback function in Dart? |
73. | What are factory constructors in Dart? |
74. | How do you use extension methods in Dart? |
75. | What are cascades in Dart? |
76. | How do you perform file I/O in Dart? |
77. | What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous functions in Dart? |
78. | How do you use mixins with inheritance in Dart? |
79. | What are type aliases in Dart? |
80. | How do you implement type aliases in Dart? |
81. | What are enumerated types in Dart? |
82. | How do you work with enumerated types in Dart? |
83. | What is the difference between 'is' and 'as' operators in Dart? |
84. | How do you implement a singleton class in Dart? |
85. | What are closures in Dart? |
86. | How do you use closures in Dart |
87. | What is the difference between 'throw' and 'rethrow' in Dart? |
88. | How do you handle timeouts in Dart? |
89. | What are annotations in Dart? |
90. | How do you use annotations in Dart? |
91. | What are streams in Dart? |
92. | How do you work with streams in Dart? |
93. | What are futures in Dart? |
94. | How do you use futures in Dart? |
95. | What is the 'async*'' keyword used for in Dart? |
96. | How do you work with asynchronous generators in Dart? |
97. | What is the 'yield' keyword used for in Dart? |
98. | How do you use the 'yield' keyword in Dart? |
99. | What is the difference between 'is' and 'is!' operators in Dart? |
100. | How do you implement copy constructors in Dart? |
101. | What is a mobile UI? |
102. | What is mobile programming for the backend? |
103. | How do you install Flutter in Android Studio? |
104. | How do you create your first Flutter application? |
105. | What is the architecture of Flutter? |
106. | What are the differences between stateless and stateful widgets in Flutter? |
107. | What are the different types of layouts in Flutter that support a single child? |
108. | What are the different types of layouts in Flutter that support multiple children? |
109. | How do you create a TextField widget in Flutter? |
110. | How do you create a ButtonBar widget in Flutter? |
111. | How do you create a Checkbox widget in Flutter? |
112. | What are the common properties of widgets in Flutter, such as height, width, and padding? |
113. | How do you use the Scaffold widget in Flutter? |
114. | How do you use the AppBar widget in Flutter? |
115. | How do you use the BottomNavigationBar widget in Flutter? |
116. | How do you use the TabBar widget in Flutter? |
117. | How do you use the TabBarView widget in Flutter? |
118. | How do you create a ListTile widget in Flutter? |
119. | How do you create a FloatingActionButton widget in Flutter? |
120. | How do you create a FlatButton widget in Flutter? |
121. | How do you create an IconButton widget in Flutter? |
122. | What are async and await in Flutter? |
123. | How do you handle touch gestures in Flutter for touch-based devices? |
124. | How do you store data in Flutter, similar to SharedPreferences in Android? |
125. | How do you add animations to your Flutter application? |
126. | How do you create menus in Flutter? |
127. | How do you integrate a gallery and camera functionalities in Flutter? |
128. | How do you handle navigation and routing in Flutter? |
129. | How do you manage state in Flutter, for example, in a login or signup process? |
130. | What is SQLite in Flutter? |
131. | How do you create a SQLite-based project in Flutter? |
132. | How do you create a REST API using Postman? |
133. | How do you perform GET requests using a REST API in Flutter? |
134. | How do you perform POST requests using a REST API in Flutter? |
135. | How do you perform PUT requests using a REST API in Flutter? |
136. | How do you perform DELETE requests using a REST API in Flutter? |
137. | How do you implement OTP verification in a Flutter application? |
138. | How do you implement login with Gmail in a Flutter application? |
139. | How do you integrate Firebase Remote Notification in a Flutter application? |
140. | How do you integrate payment integration in a Flutter application? |
141. | What is the difference between hot reload and hot restart in Flutter? |
142. | How do you handle asynchronous operations in Flutter? |
143. | What are widgets in Flutter? |
144. | What is the difference between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget in Flutter? |
145. | How do you pass data between screens in Flutter? |
146. | What is the purpose of the initState() method in Flutter? |
147. | How do you handle form validation in Flutter? |
148. | How do you handle data persistence in Flutter? |
149. | What are keys in Flutter and why are they important? |
150. | How do you perform image caching in Flutter? |
151. | What is the difference between ListView and GridView in Flutter? |
152. | How do you handle responsive layouts in Flutter? |
153. | How do you handle internationalization and localization in Flutter? |
154. | What are widgets' lifecycles in Flutter? |
155. | How do you handle device orientation changes in Flutter? |
156. | What is the purpose of the dispose() method in Flutter? |
157. | How do you implement infinite scrolling in a Flutter ListView? |
158. | What is a Flutter package and how do you use it? |
159. | How do you handle network connectivity in Flutter? |
160. | How do you implement a search functionality in Flutter? |
161. | What are hero animations in Flutter? |
162. | How do you create custom animations in Flutter? |
163. | What is the purpose of the MediaQuery widget in Flutter? |
164. | How do you create custom themes in Flutter? |
165. | What are the different types of routes in Flutter? |
166. | How do you handle deep linking in Flutter? |
167. | How do you handle push notifications in Flutter? |
168. | What is the purpose of the showModalBottomSheet widget in Flutter? |
169. | How do you create a responsive layout in Flutter? |
170. | How do you handle local notifications in Flutter? |
171. | What is the purpose of the LayoutBuilder widget in Flutter? |
172. | How do you implement a search filter in Flutter? |
173. | How do you implement a pull-to-refresh functionality in Flutter? |
174. | What are the different types of animations available in Flutter? |
175. | How do you implement biometric authentication in Flutter? |
176. | What is the purpose of the Visibility widget in Flutter? |
177. | How do you implement a splash screen in Flutter? |
178. | How do you handle deep navigation hierarchies in Flutter? |
179. | How do you implement a parallax effect in Flutter? |
180. | What is the purpose of the Tween class in Flutter animations? |
181. | How do you handle long lists efficiently in Flutter? |
182. | How do you implement custom fonts in Flutter? |
183. | What is the purpose of the ValueListenableBuilder widget in Flutter? |
184. | How do you handle different screen sizes in Flutter? |
185. | How do you implement a search suggestions feature in Flutter? |
186. | How do you implement a circular progress indicator in Flutter? |
187. | What is the purpose of the AnimatedSwitcher widget in Flutter? |
188. | How do you implement lazy loading of images in Flutter? |
189. | How do you create a draggable widget in Flutter? |
190. | How do you implement bi-directional communication between Flutter and a native platform? |
191. | What are the different types of route transitions available in Flutter? |
192. | How do you implement an infinite carousel in Flutter? |
193. | What is the purpose of the ClipRRect widget in Flutter? |
194. | How do you implement a zoomable image in Flutter? |
195. | How do you handle file uploads in Flutter? |
196. | What is the purpose of the TweenAnimationBuilder widget in Flutter? |
197. | How do you implement a collapsible app bar in Flutter? |
198. | How do you handle long-press gestures in Flutter? |
199. | What is the purpose of the FutureBuilder widget in Flutter? |
200. | How do you implement swipe-to-dismiss in Flutter? |
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