Flutter Mobile App Development Interview Questions

S.No Question
1. What is Flutter?
2. What is a hybrid application>
3. Why do we need Dart programming for Flutter?
4. How do you install Android Studio?
5. How do you install Dart programming in Android Studio?
6. What are variables in Dart?
7. What are the different data types in Dart?
8. What are the arithmetic operators in Dart?
9. What is the difference between 'var', 'let', and 'const' in Dart?
10. How do you perform type conversion in Dart?
11. How do you use if-else statements in Dart?
12. What is the switch statement in Dart?
13. How do you use the break statement in Dart?
14. What is the default statement in the switch case in Dart?
15. What are the different types of loops in Dart?
16. What is a while loop in Dart?
17. What is a do-while loop in Dart?
18. What is a for loop in Dart?
19. What is a for-in loop in Dart?
20. What is a function in Dart?
21. What are the types of functions in Dart?
22. What are user-defined functions in Dart?
23. What are local and global variables in Dart?
24. What are anonymous functions in Dart?
25. What is an arrow function in Dart?
26. How do you create a list in Dart?
27. How do you access elements in a list in Dart?
28. What is a map in Dart?
29. How do you access elements in a map in Dart?
30. What is a set in Dart?
31. How do you perform operations on sets in Dart?
32. What is object-oriented programming (OOP)?
33. What is an object in OOP?
34. What is a class in OOP?
35. What are methods in OOP?
36. What are access specifiers in Dart?
37. What is a constructor in Dart?
38. What is a named constructor in Dart?
39. How do you use the "this" keyword in Dart?
40. What is a static method in Dart?
41. What is inheritance in OOP?
42. What is single inheritance in Dart?
43. What is multilevel inheritance in Dart?
44. What is hierarchical inheritance in Dart?
45. What is multiple inheritance in Dart?
46. What is runtime polymorphism in Dart?
47. How do you override a method in Dart?
48. What is the "super" keyword used for in Dart?
49. What is abstraction in OOP?
50. What is an abstract class in Dart?
51. What is an interface in Dart?
52. How do you use packages in Dart?
53. What are exceptions in Dart?
54. How do you handle exceptions in Dart?
55. What is multithreading in Dart?
56. What are isolates in Dart?
57. What is asynchronous programming in Dart?
58. How do you use the 'async' and 'await' keywords in Dart?
59. What is concurrency in Dart?
60. What is the main function in Dart?
61. How do you import a package in Dart?
62. What is the difference between 'import' and 'export' statements in Dart?
63. How do you use getters and setters in Dart?
64. What are mixins in Dart?
65. How do you implement mixins in Dart?
66. What are generics in Dart?
67. How do you implement generics in Dart?
68. What is the difference between 'final' and 'const' in Dart?
69. What are named parameters in Dart?
70. How do you use optional parameters in Dart?
71. What is the 'rethrow' keyword used for in Dart?
72. How do you implement a callback function in Dart?
73. What are factory constructors in Dart?
74. How do you use extension methods in Dart?
75. What are cascades in Dart?
76. How do you perform file I/O in Dart?
77. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous functions in Dart?
78. How do you use mixins with inheritance in Dart?
79. What are type aliases in Dart?
80. How do you implement type aliases in Dart?
81. What are enumerated types in Dart?
82. How do you work with enumerated types in Dart?
83. What is the difference between 'is' and 'as' operators in Dart?
84. How do you implement a singleton class in Dart?
85. What are closures in Dart?
86. How do you use closures in Dart
87. What is the difference between 'throw' and 'rethrow' in Dart?
88. How do you handle timeouts in Dart?
89. What are annotations in Dart?
90. How do you use annotations in Dart?
91. What are streams in Dart?
92. How do you work with streams in Dart?
93. What are futures in Dart?
94. How do you use futures in Dart?
95. What is the 'async*'' keyword used for in Dart?
96. How do you work with asynchronous generators in Dart?
97. What is the 'yield' keyword used for in Dart?
98. How do you use the 'yield' keyword in Dart?
99. What is the difference between 'is' and 'is!' operators in Dart?
100. How do you implement copy constructors in Dart?
101. What is a mobile UI?
102. What is mobile programming for the backend?
103. How do you install Flutter in Android Studio?
104. How do you create your first Flutter application?
105. What is the architecture of Flutter?
106. What are the differences between stateless and stateful widgets in Flutter?
107. What are the different types of layouts in Flutter that support a single child?
108. What are the different types of layouts in Flutter that support multiple children?
109. How do you create a TextField widget in Flutter?
110. How do you create a ButtonBar widget in Flutter?
111. How do you create a Checkbox widget in Flutter?
112. What are the common properties of widgets in Flutter, such as height, width, and padding?
113. How do you use the Scaffold widget in Flutter?
114. How do you use the AppBar widget in Flutter?
115. How do you use the BottomNavigationBar widget in Flutter?
116. How do you use the TabBar widget in Flutter?
117. How do you use the TabBarView widget in Flutter?
118. How do you create a ListTile widget in Flutter?
119. How do you create a FloatingActionButton widget in Flutter?
120. How do you create a FlatButton widget in Flutter?
121. How do you create an IconButton widget in Flutter?
122. What are async and await in Flutter?
123. How do you handle touch gestures in Flutter for touch-based devices?
124. How do you store data in Flutter, similar to SharedPreferences in Android?
125. How do you add animations to your Flutter application?
126. How do you create menus in Flutter?
127. How do you integrate a gallery and camera functionalities in Flutter?
128. How do you handle navigation and routing in Flutter?
129. How do you manage state in Flutter, for example, in a login or signup process?
130. What is SQLite in Flutter?
131. How do you create a SQLite-based project in Flutter?
132. How do you create a REST API using Postman?
133. How do you perform GET requests using a REST API in Flutter?
134. How do you perform POST requests using a REST API in Flutter?
135. How do you perform PUT requests using a REST API in Flutter?
136. How do you perform DELETE requests using a REST API in Flutter?
137. How do you implement OTP verification in a Flutter application?
138. How do you implement login with Gmail in a Flutter application?
139. How do you integrate Firebase Remote Notification in a Flutter application?
140. How do you integrate payment integration in a Flutter application?
141. What is the difference between hot reload and hot restart in Flutter?
142. How do you handle asynchronous operations in Flutter?
143. What are widgets in Flutter?
144. What is the difference between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget in Flutter?
145. How do you pass data between screens in Flutter?
146. What is the purpose of the initState() method in Flutter?
147. How do you handle form validation in Flutter?
148. How do you handle data persistence in Flutter?
149. What are keys in Flutter and why are they important?
150. How do you perform image caching in Flutter?
151. What is the difference between ListView and GridView in Flutter?
152. How do you handle responsive layouts in Flutter?
153. How do you handle internationalization and localization in Flutter?
154. What are widgets' lifecycles in Flutter?
155. How do you handle device orientation changes in Flutter?
156. What is the purpose of the dispose() method in Flutter?
157. How do you implement infinite scrolling in a Flutter ListView?
158. What is a Flutter package and how do you use it?
159. How do you handle network connectivity in Flutter?
160. How do you implement a search functionality in Flutter?
161. What are hero animations in Flutter?
162. How do you create custom animations in Flutter?
163. What is the purpose of the MediaQuery widget in Flutter?
164. How do you create custom themes in Flutter?
165. What are the different types of routes in Flutter?
166. How do you handle deep linking in Flutter?
167. How do you handle push notifications in Flutter?
168. What is the purpose of the showModalBottomSheet widget in Flutter?
169. How do you create a responsive layout in Flutter?
170. How do you handle local notifications in Flutter?
171. What is the purpose of the LayoutBuilder widget in Flutter?
172. How do you implement a search filter in Flutter?
173. How do you implement a pull-to-refresh functionality in Flutter?
174. What are the different types of animations available in Flutter?
175. How do you implement biometric authentication in Flutter?
176. What is the purpose of the Visibility widget in Flutter?
177. How do you implement a splash screen in Flutter?
178. How do you handle deep navigation hierarchies in Flutter?
179. How do you implement a parallax effect in Flutter?
180. What is the purpose of the Tween class in Flutter animations?
181. How do you handle long lists efficiently in Flutter?
182. How do you implement custom fonts in Flutter?
183. What is the purpose of the ValueListenableBuilder widget in Flutter?
184. How do you handle different screen sizes in Flutter?
185. How do you implement a search suggestions feature in Flutter?
186. How do you implement a circular progress indicator in Flutter?
187. What is the purpose of the AnimatedSwitcher widget in Flutter?
188. How do you implement lazy loading of images in Flutter?
189. How do you create a draggable widget in Flutter?
190. How do you implement bi-directional communication between Flutter and a native platform?
191. What are the different types of route transitions available in Flutter?
192. How do you implement an infinite carousel in Flutter?
193. What is the purpose of the ClipRRect widget in Flutter?
194. How do you implement a zoomable image in Flutter?
195. How do you handle file uploads in Flutter?
196. What is the purpose of the TweenAnimationBuilder widget in Flutter?
197. How do you implement a collapsible app bar in Flutter?
198. How do you handle long-press gestures in Flutter?
199. What is the purpose of the FutureBuilder widget in Flutter?
200. How do you implement swipe-to-dismiss in Flutter?

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