Syllabus, Assignments Questions
Section 1 - Selenium Automation
- Introduction, Setup WebDriver, Launching Browser, Locating elements by id, name,classname
- Locating elements by XPathQueries, Attributes
- Handling TextFields, RadioButton and CheckBoxes
- Handling DropDowns and List Of Web Elements
- Mouse and Key Events, Actions, Alerts and IFrames
- Navigation between pages
S.No |
Question |
*1. |
Create a test script to automate the submission of a form on a web page. Use WebDriver to launch
the browser,
locate the form elements by id, name, and class name, and enter appropriate data into text fields.
Validate the
form submission by checking for success messages or error notifications. |
*2. |
Write a test script to automate the selection of checkboxes and radio buttons on a web page. Use
WebDriver to
locate the elements by id or xpath queries and interact with them to select/deselect options. Verify
that the
selected options are reflected correctly on the page. |
*3. |
Develop a test script to automate the selection of options from a dropdown menu and handle a list
of web
elements. Use WebDriver to locate the dropdown element, select specific options, and verify that the
option is displayed correctly. Also, handle a list of web elements by iterating through them and
actions on each element. |
S.No |
Question |
#1. |
Build a test script to automate mouse and keyboard events on a web page. Use WebDriver’s Actions
class to
simulate mouse actions like hovering, right-clicking, and dragging. Also, simulate keyboard events
like typing,
pressing keys, and performing key combinations. Verify that the expected actions are performed on
the page. |
#2. |
Create a test script to automate the handling of alerts and iframes on a web page. Use WebDriver
to handle
alerts by accepting, dismissing, or entering text into prompt alerts. Also, interact with elements
inside iframes
by switching to the iframe context, locating elements, and performing actions. Validate that the
actions are executed successfully. |
#3. |
Write a test script to automate navigation between multiple pages on a website. Use WebDriver to
click on
links, buttons, or navigation elements to navigate to different pages. Verify that the correct page
is loaded by
checking for specific elements or page titles. |
Section 2 - – TestNG Setup, Annotations and Assertions
- Page Automation Model, Flow Testing
- Data Driven Testing, Read/Write Excel Sheet
- Database Testing - MySQL
S.No |
Question |
*1. |
Implement a page automation model for a web application using the Page Object Model (POM) design
Create separate classes for each page of the application, with methods representing the actions and
on that page. Use WebDriver to locate elements and perform actions in the respective page classes.
test script to execute end-to-end flows on the application using the POM. |
*2. |
Write test scripts to automate the testing of specific flows in a web application. Identify
critical user flows such
as login, registration, checkout, etc. and develop test scripts to simulate and validate these flows
using the
automation framework. Utilize the page automation model to navigate through different pages and
actions required for each flow. |
S.No |
Question |
#1. |
Implement data-driven testing by reading test data from an external source such as an Excel sheet.
Create test
Scripts that can read data from Excel sheets and use the data to drive the test execution.
Parameterize test cases
with different data sets, execute them, and validate the expected results. Implement data-driven
tests for
different scenarios, such as login with multiple user credentials. |
#2. |
Develop functions to read and write data to an Excel sheet using a library like Apache POI. Create
methods to read test data from Excel sheets and use it in test scripts. Similarly, create methods to
write test
results or other relevant data back to the Excel sheet. Implement error handling and exception
reporting for
smooth data processing. |
#3. |
Create test scripts to automate the testing of database operations using MYSQL as the database.
(Java Database Connectivity) to establish a connection with the database and perform CRUD (Create,
Update, and Delete) operations on tables. Implement test scripts to validate data insertion,
retrieval, updating,
and deletion from the database. |
Section 3 - Appium
S.No |
Question |
*1. |
Set up the Appium framework and configure the necessary dependencies and drivers to automate
mobile app
testing. Install the required SDKs and tools for Android and IOS devices. Set up the desired
capabilities for the
target devices and platforms. |
*2. |
Write test scripts to automate the installation and launch of mobile apps on target devices. Use
capabilities to install the app package and launch the app on emulators or real devices. Verify that
the app
launches successfully and is ready for interaction. |
*3. |
Use Appium’s locator strategies to locate and interact with elements in mobile apps. Demonstrate
the ability to
find elements by ID, XPath, class name, and other attributes. Write test scripts to perform actions
on text
fields, buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, and other interactive elements. |
*4. |
Develop test scripts to simulate user interactions with mobile apps. Implement actions such as
swiping, scrolling, and pinching to zoom. Validate that the app responds correctly to user inputs
and that the
expected behavior is observed. |
S.No |
Question |
#1. |
Write test scripts to handle alerts, pop-ups, and permission requests that may appear during app
Implement logic to accept or dismiss alerts and handle permissions, such as camera access or
permissions, as required. |
#2. |
Execute test scripts on multiple devices concurrently to ensure the compatibility and
responsiveness of the
mobile app across various screen sizes, resolutions, and device capabilities. Implement test scripts
that can be
executed in parallel on different devices connected to the Appium server. |
#3. |
Implement data-driven testing for mobile apps using external data sources such as Excel sheets or
CVS files.
Read test data from the external sources and use it to drive the test execution for different
Parameterize test cases with different data sets and validate the expected results. |
#4. |
Set up and configure Appium Grid to distribute test execution across multiple devices or
emulators. Write test
scripts that can be executed in parallel on different devices connected to the Appium Grid. Validate
scalability and efficiency of the mobile app across multiple devices simultaneously. |
Section 4 - Cucumber
S.No |
Question |
*1. |
Set up Cucumber framework and configure the necessary dependencies. Create feature files to define
behavior and scenarios for the application under test. Write feature scenarios using Gherkin syntax
to describe
the expected behavior in a human-readable format. |
*2. |
Implement steps definitions for the scenarios defined in the feature files. Map the step
definitions to the
corresponding Gherkin steps in the feature files. Execute the Cucumber tests and verify that the
steps are
executed correctly and produce the expected outcomes. |
*3. |
Implement data-driven testing using Cucumber’s scenario outline feature. Define example tables in
the feature
files and provide test data for different scenarios. Create steps definitions that can handle
dynamic test data and
validate the expected results for each data set. |
*4. |
Utilize Cucumber’s hooks feature to set up pre- and post- conditions for scenario. Implement
scenario hooks to
execute common setup and teardown actions. Use the background section in feature files to define
steps that
are common to all scenarios within a feature. |
S.No |
Question |
#1. |
Add tags to scenarios and features to categorize and control the execution of tests. Use tags to
run specific subsets of scenarios or exclude certain scenarios from execution. Configure the test runner to
execute tests based on the specific tags. |
#2. |
Integrate reporting plugins or frameworks with Cucumber to generate comprehensive test reports.
Customize the reports to include relevant information such as test execution status, step details, and overall test coverage.Analyze the test results to identify failure and track test progress. |
#3. |
Integrate Cucumber with other test frameworks and tools such as Junit or TestNG. Use the
capabilities of these frameworks to enhance test management, parallel execution, and test configuration. Explore the
integration with build tools like Maven or Gradle for seamless test execution. |
#4. |
Combine Cucumber with selenium or Appium for automated web or mobile app testing. Write step definitions
that interact with web elements or mobile app elements using Selenium or Appium APIs. Perform actions such
as clicking, inputting data, and verifying expected outcomes. |